おやすみグッズ大集合 | 日本PLAZA | 香り、栗、ピローミスト、ヘアパック、マスクパック、おやすみアイマスク

출처 : https://x.com/plazastyle/status/1694967852053520641?s=46&t=GaXSz2JS2bt4WAWHUJAhqw眠りをテーマにしたリラックス&美容アイテム集「Get some BEAUTY ZZ’s」PLAZAマーケティングを一人で勉強しながらブランドや販売プラットフォームのプロモーション方法にも関心を持って見るようになった。この前<MDの定石>という本で製品を販売する機会を作るために利用できるすべての記念日はすべて調査して利用したという(?)そのような部分を読んだことがあるが、今回X(旧ツイッター)を見て回って面白い企画展を発見して持ってきてみた。출처 : https://x.com/plazastyle/status/1694967852053520641?s=46&t=GaXSz2JS2bt4WAWHUJAhqw内容を読んでみると、日本語の発音を通じて作られた記念日を利用したプロモーションだった。日本で9月3日は睡眠の日(睡眠の日)だが、【グッ(9)スリ(3)】グッド(9)スリー(3)日本でグッドスリー(ぐっすり)は「ぐっすり」という深い眠りの様子を表す言葉だ。英語でGood Sleepの発音と意味も利用して制定したという。 (一種の言葉遊び)正直、心に響く感じじゃないから 合わせたとしたら合わせた感じではある···それでもマーケティングに利用するには十分! 企画展商品(39種)출처 : https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/proList/doSearch/srDispProductList/%20/9/%20/%20/1/%20/%20/%20/%20/%20/%20/%20/40/0/0?jp=on&wd=Sleep_2308&utm_source=ec_banner&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=gsbz2308韓国ブランドの製品としてはマルマルディ、VTコスメティック、ラネージュの製品があった。睡眠というテーマと直接関連がなくても、夜空のような夜を連想させるテーマを持った製品も企画展に含まれていた。この中で面白そうに見えた製品を別に紹介してみようと思う。출처 : https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P02FRA0628Tone Harmony Good Night Spray Tone Harmony / Oyasumi Night Spray / 990 Yen Night Spray, which can be wrapped in a gentle scent and moisturized skin, can also be used as a night spray for bed or pillow linen spray. Three scents embodying sleep. A night spray that is perfect for relaxation time before going to bed, which is wrapped in a cozy scent and can also provide moisturizing skin. It can also be used as a linen spray for body, room spray, and bed or pillow. Three kinds of scents that image sleep were interesting and the product name was cute. Star Shower (Star Shower) Hideyamari Forest (Sunny Forest) Cloud Blazing (Cloud Blanket)Source: https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P02BOD1252 VECUA Honey ベキュアハニー ムーンバーム BECUA Honey / Moon Balm / 1,320 yen ベッドサイドに置いて香りを楽しみながら夜のリップ & ネイルケアができる、濃厚バーム。 Upper のリラックスタイムにピッタリです。唇や爪の保湿ケア以 Place it on the side of a 3-in-1 タイプのマルチバーム。 bed for に練り香 として使える、 and enjoy the scent of night lip & nail care. The luxurious and refreshing scent of chamomile tea is perfect for relaxing time before going to bed. A 3-in-1 multi- balm that can be used as a solid perfume as well as lip and nail moisturizing care. The name ‘Moon Balm’ and the color of the product clearly showed a light yellow color, so it was memorable. The container of the product looked good as it mixed with the contents. I liked the chamomile scent, so I wanted to try it someday, but I was more interested that it can be used as a solid perfume.Source: https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P02BOD1252 VECUA Honey ベキュアハニー ムーンバーム BECUA Honey / Moon Balm / 1,320 yen ベッドサイドに置いて香りを楽しみながら夜のリップ & ネイルケアができる、濃厚バーム。 Upper のリラックスタイムにピッタリです。唇や爪の保湿ケア以 Place it on the side of a 3-in-1 タイプのマルチバーム。 bed for に練り香 として使える、 and enjoy the scent of night lip & nail care. The luxurious and refreshing scent of chamomile tea is perfect for relaxing time before going to bed. A 3-in-1 multi- balm that can be used as a solid perfume as well as lip and nail moisturizing care. The name ‘Moon Balm’ and the color of the product clearly showed a light yellow color, so it was memorable. The container of the product looked good as it mixed with the contents. I liked the chamomile scent, so I wanted to try it someday, but I was more interested that it can be used as a solid perfume.출처 : https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P02WSH1384출처 : https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P02WSH1384Previous imageNext image Source: https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P04FAV2350 リラタイム ボアウォーマー メモト Real time Boa Warmer Memoto (eyes) / 1,650 yen おうち time ♪ 内側がふわふわボアになった目 ボアウォーマー。ロング設計なので耳まですっぽり隠れます。ポイントにあたる に、ゲルマニウム を実現。ちょっとしたギフトにもおすすめ, トルマリン, もぐさ配 combination で保温 ◎ Enjoy time at home ♪ Eye boa Warmer made of soft Boa material with lining. Because of the length, it can cover the ears wide. Germanium, tourmaline, and mugwort are combined to increase warmth. Recommended as a gift at an affordable price point.In fact, I paid attention to this promotion because I didn’t usually sleep well. I fell asleep well when I slept with an eye mask on, but this product looked so good. It was the most coveted item personally.That’s the Preference: https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P05DEC1409 Clean up to the right side of the Cle Clean Up to the right-setting to the corrective right/her.It is recommended not only for home use but also as a gift.I’m going to do it with a good way to use it as well as you can use it, as well as you can use the original key to the original name of the original name of the original name.Orange, Bernie, and lemon, and lemon, which gives comfortable comfortable with green trees.As soon as I saw it, it was so cute that I wanted to have it. A cute sheep is holding a pillow and wearing a sleeping hat…! Composition of products that will make you sleepy, which you don’t have if you spray mist and put it by your bedside, I hope there are many sleeping goods like this one. The name is Under the Moon, it’s cute, tooPreviemage: https://www.plazastyle.com/ec/pro/disp/1/P05CLW0594 Cleaner, and then set up to the Cle Clean up to the Pre clean original / Oddly.A cute stuffed cat with a pillow in its arms can be used by the bedside with a scent.It is recommended not only for home use but also as a gift.The scent of golden rhinoceros is true to the gentle sweetness and calm truth.The Philharmonic Orchestra, which can easily escape the pillow, can be used in the head holder, which can be used in addition to the head of the hair.I recommend you to use directly at home, of course, so I recommend it for gifts.The scent of warm sweet and heart is faithful to the truth.This product wasn’t included in the special exhibition, but it was so cute that I had to bring it back. Cute cat hugging a pillow! It’s a golden wood west scent that marks the beginning of autumn, so I think it’s the perfect product for this time of year. And it’s so cute to think of a cheesy cat doll that reminds me of a flower in golden wood…

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